
Beginning back in 1986, while a member of the Cohen Financial team, I authored “Financing Notes”. The final issue of Financing Notes was issued 2Q2015. Nearly thirty months later, I introduce to you JackChat.

After almost 40 years of acquiring skills, accumulating experiences, and developing relationships, I find myself blessed with a perspective that some view as a strategic thought leader. Day in and day out, through the years, I talk to a lot of disparate people across all walks of professional lives all the time. Periodically, I have enjoyed sharing my assumptions, questions and conclusions about opportunities in the Commercial Real Estate Finance Capital Markets, entrepreneurialism, the business of business, and performance  aspects of life. Though my wife believes I am indeed an “acquired taste”, I offer a periodic look at business from my unique perspective. JackChat is exactly that – me chatting about what I see, hear, do in the present.

JackChat January, 2019

2018 was a productive year. I hope that your 2018 was a good one; one full of health, happiness and prosperity. My format from October, though brief and written more in the form of “Soundbites” rather than “deep content”, seemed to go over well. As the feedback (thank you) was generally positive (easier and faster to read) I will follow the same format with this update.

2019-01-26T12:05:25+00:00January 26th, 2019|
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